Colour Removal Filters
Tannins will discolor your water, stain your laundry, and cause drinking water to taste tangy or bitter. Common in Ireland, tannins in water are a result of rotting vegetation in underground aquifers and surface waters. Tannins in water can turn your water a yellowish-brown color, and give drinking water a bitter taste. They can also cause laundry to appear dull or stained and have a musty smell.
Signs of Tannins in Water
- Water is tinted a brownish yellow or tea color
- Laundry is discolored and can smell musty
- Dishes can be stained yellow
- Drinking water has a tangy or tart taste
Pesticide and Chlorine Removal
Uisce 4 U can install the appropriate granular activated carbon filter or high quality anion resins for tannin removal and organic scavenging that will remove or reduce the contaminants that are discolouring or tainting your water supply.