Activated Carbon & Reverse Osmosis
Drinking water filters and filtration systems mainly use activated carbon as the principle media. The activated carbon filter for water is excellent where taste improvements are desired. They will also help reduce organic (and partially some inorganic) impurities from the water. It is possible to have combination a drinking water filter that in part reduce other impurities. Moulded carbon block filters will also reduce particulate matter.
Activated carbon in the main cannot effectively eliminate water hardness. It also only offers a limited or no improvement in the reduction of inorganic compounds such as aluminium, fluoride, nitrates and more. Specialist filters and filter cartridges are available from Uisce 4 U to handle inorganic compounds and metals such as aluminium , iron and lead.
Generally, a standard drinking water filter improves the taste of tap water considerably.
For people who wish to reduce all the impurities found in their water supply, water distillation or reverse osmosis water purifying systems are available.
At Uisce 4 U, one of our popular water purification systems utilises RO or reverse osmosis technology. This type of water purification is the equivalent of using activated carbon filtration system plus distillation. Most systems available employ two activated carbon filters together with a semi permeable membrane. The membrane will assist in the effective reduction of inorganic impurities, which the carbon filter will not. Unlike the distillation systems the reverse osmosis system will provide a convenient supply of treated water to a separate tap.